Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
0 votes
Does bonanza charge fees to post or sale items in your booth?
I want to import my EBay number and items to my Bonanza booth, but I wanted to know if I will be charged fees if I sell items Thank you. Also, can my EBay feedback ratings follow me to Bonanza?

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Why am i not able to find my transaction to bank
I use to click on couple of buttons and check my money in escrow or released to bank but i can`t find it now. How to find my sale which shows me the money in escrow or released to bank? Thank you

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
I was under the impression that my booth would stay synced to my ebay sales page.
I recently imported my items from eBay. I was under the impression that my booth would stay synced to my eBay sales page. I just sold an item in my booth that sold on my eBay page this morning. Does Bonanza remove items once they are sold on an...

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Using free bonanza pro pack
Hello I want take free bonanza gold pack but i can stop use it after month.I can just try gold pack for free 1 month??

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Item traits and choose us shipping option
Every time I go to add a new item to my booth I get a pop up that says scroll up and choose US shipping option and add some item traits. I have a US shipping option checked. And how do I add more traits when there is none. What am I missing her...

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Google shopping suspend
Hello everyone recently got email state that our merchant google sopping has been suspend till we resolved issue about the shipping we update shipping charges on the merchant while google shopping feed still using old shipping charges go...

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
Batch editor....continuing problems!
Why in the world can't I get this batch editor to tells my all my items have been updated, when nothing at all has been updated, or it tells me nothing has been changed by that upate. I'm being VERY EXACT with my text copying/pasting. I ...

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Am i super confused on how to earn tokens? yes
Each day I sign in to collect my big 10 tokens, BUT my collected amount never seems to go up. I'm stuck at 70. When I go to the rewards page, it shows that I have 70 tokens. I hit the COLLECT button to get the daily 10, and my balance stays at 70....

asked over 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Why does the download button bring me to the homepage?
When I use the background burner feature and I am finished I click "download png" and all it does is reeatedly bring me to the home page! I've even tried going into the image library and download from there and it does the same thing. What am I do...

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How do i change selling currency from us to cdn?
I tried to pop up link at the bottom of my booth but it wont go high enough. Thanks for the help Ben Hello and thanks for your answer but that's not it. The window you are and i'm talking about, only 2/3 of it appears on my screen, the ...

asked over 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How do i fix missing fields/ make my items available for sale?
Bonanza is showing i have 20702 items in my booth with missing fields, so i am trying to use the batch editor to fix this. Apparently my items category isn't specified, at first when I tried using the batch editor an error would come up each time....

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
I'm confused about this first class shipping price increase
I have a 3.8 oz item. USPS site states it's $2.74. I'm seeing $2.60 on other people's listings for the same exact item. The $2.60 is for Commercial First Class. The $2.74 is for Retail. Retail would be for just residents and probably me, w...

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Anybody else notice something is wrong with the item editor?
I always create new listings in my booth by duplicating old listings and changing the relevant information for the new item. Today I noticed when I duplicate the old item, the new listing loses all the formatting (bold text, text alignment etc.),...

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Can anyone navigate me through trying to add text over my webstore photos?
How do I add text over my image photos? How do I use the default text uploader to load my company name on the top of the web page? I have looked all over the construction directions, and I can't find how to overlay text on my larger photos. How...

asked over 8 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
Photos issues
My thumbnails look terrible in my store. The are mainly too big. What is the fix? Is there a photo template or something? dc

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Will i sell anything?
What's the best way to sell my itens

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
About selling on bonanza
Hwllo here.Maybe somebody can give advise how to sell first item on bonanza?

asked over 8 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
Vintage bib necklace
I have a vintage gold tone black onyx necklace. It has 20 pieces linked together. Each piece has a different number stamped on the back side. Can you please give me any information you might have on this piece. I have looked for days and canno...

asked over 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
What do the stats see?
I was at the library today and viewed my shop. I did NOT login as me. I just viewed it and about 4 items. At home I checked my shop stats and it said there were 0 views. What counts as a view?

asked over 8 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
How do i update a feedback comment i had left for a seller?
I previously gave negative feedback on a seller. They have now refunded me for the item I purchased. I would like to change my feedback from negative to neutral.

asked over 8 years ago