Hand Picked List: What Grandma Used

Brought to you by vintagesuffolk
Main category Collectibles | View count 69 | Clickthrough count 9
Published on 03/14/23

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User comments on What Grandma Used

Starfisher says: March 15, 2023

I still have a couple of these, guess I’ve become Grandma. Fun list.

VintageVarietyShop says: March 15, 2023

Not only Grandma, but my Mom and sometimes me.
super picks!

kathymae65 says: March 17, 2023

Cool list—complete with memories!

AudiLee says: March 21, 2023

Yep! She sure did, and this grandma did too :D

Robin1 says: March 28, 2023

There’s some great memories in this list! :o)