What all does bonanza charge? i don't understand this...

Hi, I am new to bonanza and as far as I understand, there is a montly fee of $40.00 for the booth after the 30 day trail. I also noticed that it keeps telling me to activate my online store? I thought that what the trail was all about? anyway I also upgraded the traffic to maximum traffic or elite they call it. I let a week or so pass by with my ebooks and no traffic, maybe like 4 views!!!
So my question is… If I activate the online store, will bonanza charge my card both the $40.00 and the fee for the “online” store? if so how does anybody profit using this site? I mean I got no traffic during the trail and at the top!

asked over 8 years ago

3 Answers

No, there is NO cost at all to have a booth. The $40 is if you want to do the membership, which you do not need in order to sell on bonanza or have a booth. The booth is free.
Also, you are new to bonanza, you need to give google time to come by and pick up your items and put them online. I have heard others mention that getting a member ship or website does not increase sales. I make a few sales a month, but as the saying goes “dont put all your egg’s in one basket” I also sell on different sites, it does not cost anything to list on Bonanza, so when i do get a sale its a “Plus”. Also keep up with your reward points, you get 10 a day when you click on it, when you get 500 you can take $1 off of your bill for any final value fee’s on items you sold.
Good luck to you.

answered over 8 years ago

Bonanza has on online store option, which you may have signed up for, so you may want to cancel after the free trial and memberships too. Booths on Bonanza are free, there is a fee when items sell and that depends on the advertising option you choose. The fees start at 3.5% and go up from there. So check and see if you signed up for a membership or an on-line store and decide if you want to continue with those. There is a minimum fee of 50 cents on any item sold.

answered over 8 years ago

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answered over 8 years ago

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