If my items aren't showing up in my booth and i purchase a webstore will they show up there?

Hello…. soooo sorry for all the questions, I joined up a few days ago and still haven’t got my items visible for sale as I keep getting the message one or more of them have to be reviewed and will be within 24hrs or sooner… so my question is If I purchase the webstore in Bonanza will my items appear for sale there? or do I still have to wait for the item(s) to be reviewed and approved before the public can see them? I fixed the details on my item a couple days ago when support did contact me, but it hasn’t been updated or reviewed with them since :(

asked over 8 years ago


SportsPlus_Gifts says: January 13, 2016

Try contacting support with the problem for an explanation.

Twenty47 says: January 13, 2016

I’ve contacted them already, still waiting on a reply :(

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Hi @Twenty47,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the confusion. Bonanza Webstores are directly tied to your booth. If your listings are not published to your booth, then they will not be sent to your Webstore. It sounds like you may have some items which require manual review from our team. We generally do a site-wide review and approval of items each day. If your listings are not approved soon, feel free to contact us at our support department so we can take a closer look.

[URL removed]

PS- It is helpful if you only submit one request per inquiry. While we are pretty good at identifying and merging duplicate tickets, this takes away from valuable time responding to user inquiries. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

Twenty47 says: January 13, 2016

I’m up and running now. Thank you!!!!!

Bonanza has to approve any new booth for the items to show.It might depend on what you are selling.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 116
See sewbuzyb's booth

1 Comment

Twenty47 says: January 12, 2016

The problem was with a cell phone, i didn’t put in all required details for google shop, then i added the details and nother happened for over a day and then after I posted this question I just deleted the cell phone from my items ready to sell, and still nothing selling in my booth :( I’m so sad

Question Vitals

Viewed: 969 times

Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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