How do i batch edit my items?

I am trying to change the international shipping price for the items in my booth. I go to the batch editor click “flat rate shipping”, insert my price, select all my products and click “apply to all items”. It begins to load but some where along the line it says an error occurred, please reload page and it keeps happening after i reload and try again.

How can i fix this, also i only want to offer flat rate shipping within the US but there doesn’t seem to be a setting to Not set flat rate shipping for international shipping.

asked over 8 years ago

2 Answers

First off, do you have an International shipping set up already? If so to make changes in International shipping you have to clear the original setting first…(ps it is always good to just hit the clear International Shipping if you are making changes anyway..just to make sure to clear any settings you may have inadvertently added)

Batch Edit
Clear International Shipping Prices (this will also clear any International shipping set up for the item)
Select Items you wish to change (Items list…Check mark in boxes)
Apply Changes (big green button)

Now to set the new International Shipping

Go over to the right and click on

  • Add international shipping service.*

Add in your flat rate
Choose locations (and/or Worldwide)
Select Items (checkmark box)
Apply Changes (big green button)

once you select some items, the option to Apply to all items appears…
If doing all or lots of items it will take a few minutes or more for the changes to process through all the items..

refresh page a few times and you will see the progress

Making any changes in International shipping requires to Clear international shipping first

You can use the Set flat-rate shipping [URL removed] $ in the U.S.

For US shipping in the US (also if you are changing prices, you can clear Domestic shipping services first…though you really should not have to)…

Also, you can set flat rates, while creating/editing the listings

Scroll over to see full image___________________________

![URL removed]

![URL removed]

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

tshirtshark says: January 14, 2016

Thanks, you were very informative. So i take it “flat rate” option doesn’t mean flat rate i.e Where a customer can pay order multiple items and pay one shipping price. because like i said i don’t want to do that for international purchases

Can someone please assist me? i am still experiencing difficulty.

“. So i take it “flat rate” option doesn’t mean flat rate i.e Where a customer can pay order multiple items and pay one shipping price. because like i said i don’t want to do that for international purchases” This is my main issue now

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

ccmom says: March 06, 2016

Do not understand the question? The Flat rate is PER ITEM basis, so unless you set up a shipping discount, the FR for each item will be added together

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Viewed: 874 times

Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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