How do i get my items to be a featured item

How do I get my Items to be a Featured item

asked almost 13 years ago

3 Answers

Bonanza considers nine different factors that suggest a user is an active member of the community at Bonanza. The more active a community member is, the less anonymous, and the better one is able to evaluate the character of the seller.

Here are the indicators Bonanza will [URL removed]

1. Have they filled out the “About Me” section of their Bonanza profile? This can provide a glimpse into the seller’s objectives and/or personality.
2. Have they used a valid credit card to pay Bonanza fees or membership dues? Fraudulent sellers are less likely to have access to valid credit cards. Note that the credit card used may not currently be valid, but at some point a valid card was used.
3. Have they received personal recommendations? At Bonanza, we let our community vouch for one another. If this user has been vouched for by other respected community members, that’s a good sign.
4. Have they recevied at least five positive feedback on Bonanza? Overall feedback score is a combination of imported feedback (e.g., from eBay) and Bonanza feedback. This metric measures users who have a history of positive transactions since arriving at Bonanza.
5. Have they filled out a detailed overview of their booth? If they have, you can learn not only about their booth, but their writing style, which decreases anonymity.
6. Have they specified booth policies? This may come in handy if anything should happen to go wrong with your transaction.
7. Have they posted at least 20 messages on the Bonanza forums? Scammers typically don’t have the time to establish an identity on the forums — they’ve got scamming to do. Of course, many credible sellers don’t have the time or inclination for the forums, either, so take this one with a grain of salt.
8. Have they given at least one other way they can be found online or offline, besides Bonanza? This can be a phone number, web site, blog, or even social networking address. Any bits of data here can help to piece together more about the identity of this seller.
9. Have they logged in within the last month? Well? Have they?

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Good Morning and Welcome!

There are lists on the site of things you can do. I encourage you to complete your profile page. Tell us something about yourself. List more items and read and participate in the forums. Did you ask this question in the forums? Under messages? Do so. You will get tons of people to welcome you to the ranch and give you all kinds of help!

We are a friendly and helpful group of people!

The Best of Sales to you.

answered almost 13 years ago

You have to be a paying member to have your items featured. Heres a link to the info on [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered almost 13 years ago

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Viewed: 2924 times

Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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