You will receive a step by step creation guide with any programs you will need in order to make your own bootable usb! You will be able to use the usb to install the software on your computer or to use as a live usb to test the software first.

This is for a fully copy and we always try to get the most up to date software with the best features!

ArchBox is elegantly looking ready to use desktop on usb (with ability to install on HDD) based on Arch Linux featured with Openbox and lots of preinstalled programs.

ArchBox was inspired by ArchBang and with big love to Arch Linux.

ArchBox means Arch Linux + Openbox and at the same time Arch Linux out of the box


Will Not Expire!
Unlimited Installs And Usage!
Save Cost On Other Professional Software.
Use It For Your Business, For Personal Use Or For An Organization.


Configured Openbox Window Manager
tint2 taskbar panel with tray
Plank launcher
Two browsers for your choice: Mozilla Firefox (default) and Chromium
LibreOffice (fresh version)
Set of original backgrounds included
Pure Arch Linux system after installing
Experimental: screenshot tool deepin-screenshot (prevoiusly shutter - was moved from official repos to aur due to its dependencies)
List of installed essential applications:
Package name Description
agave Colorscheme designer tool
aria2 Download command-line utility
brasero A disc burning application for Gnome
chromium Web browser
clipit Clipboard manager
compton composite manager
conky Lightweight system monitor for X
deadbeef Audio player
deepin-screenshot Screenshot tool
doublecmd-gtk2 Twin-panel file manager
evince Document viewer
firefox Web browser
freerdp Free RDP client
galculator GTK+ based scientific calculator
geany Fast and lightweight IDE
gimp GNU Image Manipulation Program
gmrun A simple program which provides a run program window
gnome-font-viewer A font viewer utility
gparted A Partition Magic clone, frontend to GNU Parted
gpick Advanced color picker
gsimplecal Simple and lightweight GTK calendar
gthumb Image browser and viewer
htop Interactive process viewer
i3lock Screenlocker
libreoffice-fresh LibreOffice
meld Visual diff and merge tool
nitrogen Background browser and setter
obkey Openbox Key Editor
obmenu-generator A fast pipe/static menu generator for the Openbox Window Manager (with icons support)
pamac-aur A GTK3 package manager from Manjaro guys
pcmanfm File manager
plank Elegant, simple, clean dock
remmina Remote desktop client
sakura Terminal emulator
simple-scan Simple scanning utility
slim Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11
tint2 Basic, good-looking task manager
vlc A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player
volumeicon Volume control for your system tray
xarchiver GTK+ frontend to various command line archivers
xxkb Keyboard layout switcher/indicator
yaourt A pacman wrapper (command-line) with extended features and AUR support

We Are authorized under the developer’s GPL (General Public License) agreement to provide a service to buyers by offering this software in USB / Digital Format as defined in this listing. The software is free and readily available for download online. This is good news for companies or businesses that require the software to be permanent / portable on a fast usb that also do not have interest or are not able to connect to the internet to download the software.

By buying this item you understand that you are not paying for the software you are paying for the guide on how and where to download the software along with the files / programs you will need in order to install the software.

The guide is made by me and resale of the guide is not permitted.