Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865รข??1936) is truly recognized as the jewell in the crown of the "silver age", the really significant period in the Russian culture. It was piano to be his passion for good. Glazunov's fruitful and diverse creative work evinced both in large-scaled canvases (concertos, sonatas, fantasies, variations) and miniatures. Balakirev, Borodin and Liszt stirred his executive manner. Although the composer wasn't virtuoso, he could penetrate into piano abilities. Hence his opuses are tasteful and brilliant altogether.Variations (Theme with Variations), op. 72 is ranked among Glazunov's large-scaled canvases for piano. The theme is based on the Finnish folk song, wrought rather capriciously. The Variations were started on August 3 and completed on August 23, 1900. That time the composer spent his summer holidays at the Glazunovs country estate in the Ozerki (Lakes), having been the environment of Petersburg. Initially the Variations were organized as follows: No. 7 instead of No. 5, No. 9 instead of No. 7, No. 10 instead of No. 8, No. 5 instead of No. 9, No. 8 instead of No. 10.The Variations are dedicated to Inna Busova. Alexander Ziloty performed them for the first time on January 6, 1903. Since that Petersburg premiere this gorgeous composition replenished the repertoire of many pianists.