This one-of-a-kind ring was enchanted in a ceremony involving 5 Illuminati Rituals under a full moon. It works as a divine angelic portal to Heaven and God. It contains 250 divine angels ready to serve you and fulfill your desires. As an added enchantment, it also works as a passively transfiguration relic to transform your soul into an angel. 

The possessor of this special Illuminati ring will truly become an angel and weave divine magick easily and heal all kinds of illnesses and diseases. Dreams will be prophetic, astral projection will occur whenever any angel or divine being wish your presence. The ring works as an open gateway and where you place it, it will truly become a busy crossroad between this world and the Heavens. Angels will visit you very often to help you and fulfill your desires.

You will gain complete immunity against all kinds of illnesses, diseases, harm, pain, black magick, curses and bad luck. The 250 angels will fully open your third eye and you will be able to clearly see and communicate with all kinds of spiritual entities. The angels will grant you the spiritual Swors and Shield of Divine Flame, which they will imbue within your soul. They will help you defeat your enemies and no one will be able to cause you harm.

They will bring you harmony, love, creativity, motivation, success, money, spiritual strength and wisdom, clairvoyance, akashic and universal wisdom and you will be able to use white light energies in your spells and rituals to fulfill your desires.

With the soul of an angel, you will be able to astral project to the Heavens and live there, if such is your desire. On Earth, your life will be long and with the magicks of the angels you will be able to reverse the aging proccess and look youthful again, your body will regain vitality and look healthy and beautiful.