GE KIDS is a complex of powerful antioxidants for better immunity of children. The immune system is the first line of defense against infectious diseases. The immune system is called the immune response, and it involves a series of defense responses against foreign bodies such as microorganisms that are also the cause of the disease. The immune system in children is underdeveloped, so viruses and bacteria adhere more quickly to them. Many children up to the age of 8 suffer from recurrent respiratory infections. Symptoms may include red throat, swollen tonsils, sinusitis, cough, difficulty breathing, increased bronchial secretion. Unfortunately, many of these children often receive antibiotic therapies, which are not effective against the virus and, after prolonged or frequent use, can weaken the immune system. Antibiotics work for a while, but when it comes back into contact with a bacterium, the child becomes ill again. Most colds and flu that occur during the winter start as viral infections and can be complicated by a bacterial infection. In the case of viral infections, there is no point in administering antibiotics because they do not affect the viruses but the bacteria. When a child is often ill and his or her parents often give him or her medication, over time the parents feel powerless, confused, and only trembling when they will become ill the next time.

Super tasty and super safe, GE KIDS is a top quality certified product.
100% natural and irresistibly delicious - your kids will enjoy the aromatic taste of apricot.
GE KIDS is the first product for children.
For a strong immune system, for growing up happily without disease.
Pediatricians recommend GE KIDS as it contains a carefully selected combination of seven active ingredients that allow your children to have a peaceful childhood without health problems.
You no longer have to fear your child going to kindergarten or school.
With a well-balanced breakfast, serve GE KIDS, a juice full of health and ready to hang out with friends and play, and you can fulfill your regular obligations without fear of illness.
GE KIDS supports the healthy teeth of your little ones because it contains no sugar.

GE KIDS is suitable for children 3 years of age and is recommended:

    children with weakened immune systems,
    in cases of recurrent infectious diseases,
    with the frequent use of antibiotics,
    in inflammatory processes,
    allergy prone children.

GE KIDS - liquid dissolution granules (170 mg of active substance) is a well-balanced formula designed to mobilize the body's child resistance.
GE KIDS is a dietary supplement that has a positive effect on the body's resistance, containing a combination of seven active ingredients:
Extract mushrooms 40 mg
Royal jelly 40 mg
Resveratrol 10 mg
Pomegranate extract 15 mg
Beta glucan 1,3 / 1,6-D 40 mg
Lycopene 10 mg
Turmeric extract 15 mg
Inactive Substances: sorbitrol, zitric acid, flavoring sweetener.

Get rid of the fungus or Ganoderma lucidum is an extremely powerful antioxidant that eliminates free radicals created in the body and helps detoxify the baby's body.
Where do all the toxins in your baby's body come from? Unfortunately, when a baby takes its first breath, it already has various types of toxins in its body. These toxins are transmitted to the baby's body via maternal toxins that have been accumulated for decades. After birth, the baby continues to absorb toxins from her environment, such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, clothing, feathers from new furniture, room colors, vaccines… Although Ganoderma lucidum cannot detoxify all types of toxins, this herb can help to neutralize heavy metals and medical toxins. It also reduces the free radical damage in the baby's body. This is especially important when your baby is receiving vaccines. Most vaccines contain mercury, aluminum and other harmful substances to the body. Ganoderma can detoxify mercury, it is important to allow your baby to take GE KIDS before and after the vaccine. Polysaccharides in Ganoderma will help to naturally improve the immune system of the child. And most importantly Ganoderma has no side effects on organs. Ganoderma can also regulate and enhance the immune system when it comes to allergic reactions. GE KIDS can be used by children with allergic symptoms such as asthma, nose or skin allergies.
Royal jelly is made by the bee-eater of flower nectar, pollen and water by secreting its glands. The main ingredients of royal jelly are: proteins, amino acids, vitamins (vitamins - A, C, D and E, B5 and B6…), minerals (zinc, calcium, magnesium…), hormones, fats, sugars, water, etc. Royal jelly has a beneficial effect on the body's immune system and has antibiotic and antiviral properties. It restores energy to cells, regenerates the body of convalescents, regulates metabolism, strengthens immunity and improves blood count.
The red grape extract (mildew and seed) contains resveratrol, which is a powerful polyphenolic antioxidant. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Resveratrol can reduce pain and swelling and has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. It is often used as a "protective factor" because of its good antioxidant and vasoprotective properties.
Pomegranate extract contains vitamin C. It is used in the prevention of colds, infectious diseases, vitamin C deficiency.
Beta-D-glucans are non-digestible polysaccharides, i.e. carbohydrates are widely distributed in natural sources such as cereal grains, including oats and barley, yeast, bacteria, algae and fungi and are primarily found in cell walls. Yeast beta-D-glucan is a polyglucose polysaccharide derived from the walls of baker's yeast (lat. Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells. This beta-glucan is most commonly found called beta-1,3 / 1,6-D-glucan. ?-glucans are known as "biological response modifiers" for their ability to activate the immune system. Beta-glucans stimulate the body's immune response by activating macrophages, the cells leading all immune events. Macrophages are responsible for "capturing and destroying" molecules of a foreign organism.
They further stimulate the immune response cascade (interleukins, tumor necrosis factors, gamma interferon, natural killer cells). Beta-glucans, in fact, cause macrophages to respond, and macrophages are followed by an entire army of defense cells, thus beta-glucans enhance the immune response. The defense system thus activated produces a larger number of defense cells - soldiers, so the body can cope with infections and cell mutation. In this way, the organism produces the most effective immune response. What is significant is that beta-glucan helps the body to accurately distinguish between "its own" and break the immune response when "invaders" (bacteria, fungi and other infectious agents) are destroyed, thus preventing the development of autoimmune diseases. They have also shown efficacy in controlling existing autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis.
Tomato lycopene is an extremely strong antioxidant - research has shown that it is significantly more effective in eliminating free radicals than vitamin E. Also, a strong protective role of lycopene has been observed.
Turmeric is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. Because of its powerful anti-inflammatory action, it can also help maintain a normal nervous state, helping with dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease and neurological disorders, such as autism). Turmeric has a detoxifying effect on the body, improves liver function and helps the body eliminate toxins at higher effective rates.

 Method of application:
GE KIDS 1-2 bags a day in 200 ml of liquid (water, juice) for up to 2 months.
For longer-term use, it is recommended to consult a physician / pediatrician / immunologist.

Packaging: 30 bags x 4g