Reduce your carbon footprint and your chance of illness from plastic brushes in your mouth. The Barebu Toothbrush combines a comfortable brushing experience with superb oral and body health while helping you keep a clean conscience. And, this environmentally friendly bamboo toothbrush set is a fantastic value! Good for at least a years' supply for one person (switching every 3 months as recommended), or replaces all brushes for a 4-person family.
Plastic toothbrushes take at least 500 years to decompose. They also make up a large part of plastics that end up in our precious oceans. BENEFITS:

One (shall we say perfectly designed?) size. Most dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush every quarter for optimal oral heath. To avoid bacteria growth, don't leave your toothbrush closed off in a damp space. Bamboo helps limit such growth, but it never hurts to keep toothbrushes in a dry place.

So. You know that this Bamboo Toothbrush Set is best for your health and neutral (thus better than any alternative!) for the environment. It's also very cost-effective and for a single person, a full year's supply if dental and oral health is maximized.

Make the healthy, clean and conscious choice - get your Barebu Bamboo Toothbrush today. Feel the difference - physically and even emotionally!