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ISSUE DATE: MAY 8,1978; Vol. 111 No. 19
CONDITION: Standard magazine size, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)

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ATTACK ON THE NAVY. Inset: MELLON: The Fine art of Giving. Cover: Illustration by NICHOLAS GAETANO.

COVER: The Navy is under strong attack from the Adminlstration's budget makers, who want to cut back the admirals' shipbuilding program. The battle may decide whether the U.S. retains command of the seas. See NATION.

WORLD: The debate over selling jets to the Arabs shifts the Middle East focus to Washington. Italy rejects a demand from Moro's kidnapers. French Communists argue about a lost election. A military coup in Afghanistan.

ART: An new structure becomes part of Andrew Mellon's National Gallery. Designed by I.M. Pei, the building was funded by Andrew's son Paul, a quiet Maecenas who is at once a sportsman, scholar and art lover.

DANCE: MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV makes another big leap, defecting to the New York City Ballet -to dance the great works of Balanchine.

NATION: Jimmy Carter projects a stronger image for the primaries. Exclusive color photos of Richard Nixon at home.

CINEMA: 'Tis the season for rock movies. I Wanna Hold Your Hand and The Last Waltz are two of the hottest and loudest.

ESSAY: -- Author Anthony Burgess looks at tenor in the country where Aldo Moro and even a Fellini film have been kidnaped.

RELIGION: The Vatican wants to cool Catholic ardor for change in Latin America, but Brazil's bishops want to keep the heat on.

EDUCATION: A court of appeals rejects Dallas' desegregation plan. Some educators jeer the result, but others cheer the decision.

BOOKS: Media-Made Dixie discusses the South, fact and fiction. Leo Rosten exhibits his favorite Passions and Prejudices.

ECONOMY & BUSINESS: Loud calls for a smaller tax cut. Homeowners rebel against property levies. Wail Street booms.

PRESS: Cartoonist Claire Bretecher, who skewen trendy Parisians and other hypocrites, brings her savage wit to the U.S.

SPORT: Clean living and hard work triumph as South Africa's Gary Playeriays claim to being the finest golfer in the world.

LAW: Corporations have free speech rights, rules the high court, and the Chief Justice slaps the press while concurring.


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