After much discussion with our Coven members, we decided to offer up a special gem from our Master collection. We lowered the price, so that more worthy Masters or Mistresses will be able to acquire it and are offering FIVE of these rings. Enter the Divine Empress Ring.


The Divine Empress Ring is one of the most extraordinary opportunities you will ever encounter in your life. This is a ring which contains both the spiritual essence and staggering powers of an ancient Divine Empress. Understand that 555 spellcodes were spellcast and enchanted into this ring. The end result is a gateway to not only new worlds and dimensions, but to an entirely new life in your own world, as well. This is a ring that connects its wearer to a wide range of powers and opportunities. This is a ring that does not require a bonding ceremony. Everything you have ever wanted to experience or understand will be at your feet. This is a ring that will change your life in every imaginable way.


You will use this ring to stake your place in the world. You will use the powers inherent in this ring to unlock power, wealthy, and influence as you never could have imagined them before. Those who desire true control over their life will want to learn about everything this ring has to offer. Furthermore, the power of this ring will be such that you can extend that control to those around you. This is not bending others to your will. It is the power of the ring giving you such an aura of success and strength, others will not be able to help themselves. They will fall under your influence, looking to you for leadership, love, and so much more.


Solar and lunar powers have also been infused with this ring. Everything that you can find within this ring was spellcast and enchanted over a period of an entire year. This was done to ensure a full scope of everything the Divine Empress has to offer. The ring works immediately. You will feel the very real fact that this ring radiates intensely with everything her power has to offer. You should also keep in mind that because of the remarkable power associated with this ring, it is always going to feel warm to the touch during the day. In the evenings, you can expect the ring to feel cool to the touch. This is the power of the Divine Empress working through the ring, which in turn works through you. This is a type of power that you will be able to feel whenever you are wearing the ring. This radiance is something others will be able to pick up on. They won’t quite know why. They will simply feel an immense, profound attraction to you.


This ring also represents a flawless relic for both evocation and invocation. Wearing it will flood you body and soul with her many wonderous powers. Your mind will become deeply empowered with the mass of its spiritual and psychic potential. Your body and soul both will awaken with the forgotten powers that she will bring and awaken within you.


At the same time, remember that this ring can also be utilized as the perfect spiritual vortex. It will bring you to the portal, which in turn will bring you to where the Divine Empress lives. Using astral projection, you will be able to visit and benefit from her whenever you please. You will never have to worry again. She will never harm her keeper in any form or fashion. As you achieve instant results with magical powers, as well as solar and lunar powers, remember that she is there to help you, serve you, and fulfil your deepest desires. You will enjoy wealth, unlimited wishes, healing, and everything one gains from standing at all times in the divine light of the Divine Empress. It is not difficult to imagine the benefits of immunity against illness and disease. You just don’t imagine such gifts could ever be granted to you in this or any other life. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Divine Empress Ring is going to give you everything you need to define your own destiny.


Imagine being able to bend the rigors of reality to your will. You will benefit from the supreme influence of the Divine Empress. This will also allow you to enjoy your own supreme influence over others. Understand in no uncertain terms that with the powers of this ring in your life, anything will prove to be possible. The time has come to unlock the destiny you have always deserved.


With third eye enlightenment, combined with astral projection and spirit communication, there are no limits to what you can accomplish. You will access forbidden secrets, banish bad luck forever, and enjoy a divine authority over all you meet. You will enjoy overall good health for the rest of your days, and you will find yourself enjoying amazing luck and success every single day of your existence. Your power and beauty will multiply tenfold. Those who wish to be more desirable to others will want to take advantage of everything this ring has to offer. This is an opportunity that you will never again encounter in exactly this form. You will become responsible for making the most of all this ring has to offer. If you know that you are ready to control your own destiny, then you are ready to put this ring on.


This is an ancient power. This is a fact that must be understood and respected in no uncertain terms. When you come to such magic and enchantment with a sense of respect and awe, the Divine Empress cannot help but look kindly upon you. When the ring is affixed to your person, she will flood you body and soul with her love, her powers, and her gifts. As we mentioned before, this is something you are going to be able to feel coursing through you at once. You will unlock everything you have ever imagined existed within you. Once this happens, there are no limits to what you are going to be able to do.


Anything less than that is a waste of your time. The Divine Empress Ring is ready to change your life.


Her name, full powers, etc. will be revealed to the new Master or Mistress.


We will send you with this ring three spellcast candles, spellcast incense, channeling stone, sigil scroll, divine oil, divine elixir, a bag of special spiritual herbs and a wooden charging box.