Rick made our FIRST one and this is a picture of it as it hangs on our front porch here in Texas! These are cool hung in many different settings and don't fool yourself.....It is LOUD. We live on our own 11 acres here and our neighbors can EASILY hear when I ring this thing off the front porch so that Rick hears it at the other end of the land when he's in his shop.

The PERFECT Gift or Accessory for ANY outdoor BBQ Setup! WONDERFULLY Rustic Western Dinner Triangle Calling Bell! You can leave it as is (scruffy, beat up, "used" looking ....ie made to look old and USED) OR paint it to your desired color! 

Comes WITH the chain hanging attachment on top. The ringer has an iron loop around the top. The triangle has a seperation in the base that allows the ringer loop to slip through and hang from it. 
Rick prefers THIS design because you can just hang the RINGER right on the bottom of the triangle. many of the other designs don't provide for ANYPLACE to hang the ringer....so it's easy to displace it from the triangle. Needless to say, I prefer Rick's design. LOL

The triangle itself measures 13 3/4" Tall & 13 5/8" Wide.