The best dog treats start with premium ingredients. Chewy Louie Filled Bones are natural beef bones stuffed with a tasty peanut butter flavored filling to entice picky eaters. Filled bones are free from bad stuff, like common canine allergens and grains. They’re also naturally rich in protein, to help power your active dog.
Chewy Louie Filled Bones even help to support your dog’s healthy smile. Did you know that chewing on tough chews help to clean your pup’s mouth? The mechanical action of chewing helps to scrape plaque from your dog’s teeth, helping to minimize harmful buildup that could lead to dental issues. Tough chews, like Chewy Louie Filled Bones, are an important part of healthy mouth maintenance.
  • Free From Common Allergens like Soy and Grains
  • Rich in Protein
  • Great for All Life Stages as These Bones are Long-Lasting
  • They are great for teething, reducing stress, or boredom in a dog
  • Provides dental support for your pup!