The Stolen Jools

Released April 4, 1931: Almost every famous actor in Hollywood in 1931 appeared in this charity film for a tuberculosis sanatarium.

Genre: Comedy

Director: William C. McGann

Actors: Wallace Beery (Police Sergeant), Buster Keaton (Policeman), Jack Hill (Policeman), J. Farrell MacDonald (Policeman), Edward G. Robinson (gangster), George E. Stone (gangster), Eddie Kane (the detective), Stan Laurel (Policeman), Oliver Hardy (Police driver), Allen 'Farina' Hoskins (Farina, member of Our Gang), Matthew 'Stymie' Beard (Stymie, member of Our Gang), Norman 'Chubby' Chaney (Chubby, member of Our Gang), Mary Ann Jackson (herself, member of Our Gang), Shirley Jean Rickert (herself, member of Our Gang), Dorothy DeBorba (Echo, member of Our Gang), Bobby 'Wheezer' Hutchins (Wheezer, member of Our Gang), Polly Moran (herself), Norma Shearer (herself), Hedda Hopper (herself), Joan Crawford (herself), William Haines (Joan Crawford's husband), Dorothy Lee (herself), Victor McLaglen (Sergeant Flagg), Edmund Lowe (Sergeant Quirt), El Brendel (Swedish waiter), Charles Murray (Kelly), George Sidney (Cohen), Winnie Lightner (herself), Fifi D'Orsay (herself, wooed by Warner Baxter), Warner Baxter (himself, dressed as the Cisco Kid), Irene Dunne (herself), Bert Wheeler (himself), Robert Woolsey (himself), Richard Dix (himself), Claudia Dell (herself), Lowell Sherman (himself, directing a movie), Eugene Pallette (reporter), Stuart Erwin (reporter), Richard 'Skeets' Gallagher (reporter), Gary Cooper (reporter), Wynne Gibson (Winnie, reporter), Charles 'Buddy' Rogers (himself), Maurice Chevalier (himself), Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (himself), Richard Barthelmess (himself), Loretta Young (herself), Charles Butterworth (himself, pretends to be Luis Fazenda), Bebe Daniels (herself), Ben Lyon (himself), Barbara Stanwyck (herself), Frank Fay (himself, Barbara Stanwyck's husband), Jack Oakie (himself), Fay Wray (herself), George 'Gabby' Hayes (projectionist), 'Little Billy' Rhodes (film delivery boy), Mitzi Green (herself, little girl with the pearls), Joe E. Brown (himself, wearing fake beard), Robert Ames (himself), Bert Lytell (himself).

Runtime: 20min

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