Released on August 15, 1936: A cocky American detective follows a crime wave through Europe with a sexy cohort.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 27min

Director: Albert de Courville

Actors: Edmund Lowe (John Harwood), Constance Cummings (Caryl Fenton), Thomy Bourdelle (Monsieur Paul Turbe), Henry Oscar (Axel Hoyt), Felix Aylmer (Sir Charles Webber), Joyce Kennedy (Elizabeth Wentworth), O.B. Clarence (the registrar), Mark Lester (Chief Constable), Allan Jeayes (Heinrich Wagner), Anthony Holles (reception clerk), David Horne (hotel manager), Edwin Laurence (Guildhall guide), James Harcourt (the Vicar, Father Blanchard), Margaret Davidge (bit part), Henry Hallett (bit part), Patrick Ludlow (bit part).

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