The challenge for View from the Window was one that I hosted, with the theme "Whether the Weather is Wetter or Whiter" and although I had written the challenge myself, this piece had in no way been planned beforehand, yet worked up very rapidly, from the phrase I wrote in the challenge to "look out the window and see what the weather is" — and I found I had to include the window in the piece. This is in no way what I see from my window, we had yet to have any significant snow, but from this point the picture built itself!

The trees are black yarn, adapting a technique of "drawing" from branch tip to root to make a tree, with the addition of black eyelash yarn to show the bare twigs. Hard to see in this photo, a layer of white gauze adds the essence of window glass, keeping the coldness outside!

This piece won Third Prize at the Framingham Artists Guild art show for Spring 2012.



My artwork is mounted on foam core, which creates a light-weight but rigid piece with a wire for hanging and  a felt backing. It is treated with a sun-block spray, although prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may eventually cause fading.