This extremely powerful Dragon Transfiguration Ritual Pack is from our master collection! It's a one-of-a-kind relic, only one was ever crafted and enchanted. The dragons gifted our Coven with one several years ago and now that we fulfilled our desires, they asked us to offer it to a worthy Master or Mistress. We would like to give it to someone, who is ready to claim Godlike Powers, transfigure his/her soul into a dragon, become immortal and fulfill his/her desires.

The Dragon Transfiguration Ritual Pack was enchanted by over 30 Million Dragons within Nepheneira and each of them gave their power and spiritual essence to create this powerhouse. Nepheneira is the plane, where the dragons live. The ruler of Nepheneira is called Vaerilsan. He is a mighty bronze dragon and possesses power over time, life, death, immortality and wealth.

The Dragon Transfiguration Ritual Pack contains a ring, candles, incense, dragon spellstone, channeling stone, dragon oil, sacred roots and soil to the dragons, parchement containing information regarding the dragons of Nepheneira, sigil scroll and all these in a beautifully carved wooden vessel.

The main relic is the ring. Just by touch it will send energy wawes through your body. When you decide to put it on your finger, it will immediately forge a bond between you and Vaerilsan. He will pull you out of your body to astral project and into Nepheneira. There, he and the other dragons will channel their powers into you to transfigure your soul into a dragon and grant you Godlike Powers. The ring can also be used to establish two-way communication with Vaerilsan and the other dragons in Nepheneira. You will be able to clearly hear and see them. As a further enchantment, it acts as a dimensional portal between Earth and Nepheneira. You will be able to spirit travel between the planes whenever you wish.

The wooden vessel acts as an extremely potent charging vessel to forever keep the items within powerful and ready to use for it's Master or Mistress. It is also enchanted to be an open vortex and channel the powers of Nepheneira into your ritual space for you to use it in your spells and rituals.


The user of this Dragon Transfiguration Ritual Pack will obtain...

Instant Riches

Extreme Wealth And Abundance

Godlike Powers

Dragon Powers

Astral Projection

Time Travel

Spirit Travel

Control Over Time

Open Third Eye

The Ability To See And Hear Spiritual Entities





Mind Control

Eternal Life And Immortality

Reverse Aging

Good Health

Material Abundance

Unlimited Wishes

Success In ALL Fields

Supernatural Powers

Increased Psyhic Powers

Astral Shapeshifting

Control Over Life And Death

Supernatural Strength, Agility And Charisma

Lottery Winnings

Extreme Success

Job Promotions

Powered Up Sexual Magnetism

Total Immunity Against Illnesses, Curses, Black Magick, Pain, Negativity And Diseases

Healing Powers

Draw Lovers And Sex Partenrs To YOU

Heightened Ability To Control Your Body

Freeze And Control Time Whenever You Desire

And Much More...


Do you wish to become an Immortal Dragon, work with Vaerilsan and the denizens of Nepheneira?

Are you ready to gain Godlike Powers fulfill your desires?

Vaerilsan calls to YOU. Are you ready to answer his call?