The Effect of Coastal Glehnia Root


Sweet, slightly cold; lung and stomach meridians entered.


Nourish yin of lung and stomach, clear heat of lung and stomach.


A.Lung yin deficiency syndromes

It can nourish lung yin and clear lung heat. For dry cough with little phlegm, blood in phlegm, dryness in throat, and hoarseness due to lung yin deficiency with dryness-heat in lung, it is combined with lung-clearing and dryness-moistening herbs, for instance, it is used with Nan Sha Shen and Zhi Mu in Run Zao Yang Yin Tang from Yi Fang Xin Jie. For cough without phlegm, or with little phlegm, blood in phlegm, hemoptysis, bone-steaming and tidal fever due to lung yin deficiency, it is combined with herbs of nourishing yin, moistening lung, relieving cough and eliminating bone steaming felling, such as Mai DongZhi MuChuan Bei Mu and Bie Jia.

B.Stomach yin deficiency syndromes

It is indicated for thirst with more drinking, hunger but no appetite, dry stool, no coating or red tongue with little fluid, or stomachache, distending in stomach, retching and other symptoms due to stomach yin deficiency, because it can nourish stomach yin to produce fluid and relieve thirst, and clear stomach heat. It is usually combined with yin-nourishing and fluid-producing herbs, such as Shi HuYu Zhu, and Wu Mei.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 10~15 g.

information from tcmwiki