Tone City  T33 IN Stock Now

Model V VOX Pedal Distortion

T33-Tone City Model V – Vox Style High Gain Distortion with Boost

Quick Overview

The Tone City Model V is a Vox AC30-style foundation pedal with built-in boost.  It features two different flavors of Vox overdrive tones, from classic chimy crunch to a high-gain modded tone.

Tone City have recently launched a wide range of different high gain distortion pedals based on iconic amplifiers. Unfortunately they won’t tell us what they are based on but thanks to the crispy crunch tones of this pedal and its Model V name we are guessing they were inspired by a lot of Vox gear while making this pedal.

Crunch Sounds

While the rest of the Tone City range of amps like overdrives were all based on high gain settings this pedal takes a step back and actually offers more crunch rock vibes. So if you are after something that brings back memories of 60’s and 70’s British rock then you seriously need to check out this pedal.

Two Modes

This pedal is not just your normal Vox style drive however as they have modeled not one but two different amp models for you to play with. This is not only really helpful for those that like to have every tone possible at your feet but also for those that may not have the most pedal friendly amplifier as it gives you more options.

Best of all is that if you want to take either of these crunch modes in to a more intense overdrive you have a boost pedal built in. So with this one pedal you can take your clean amp to a smooth rhythm and a soaring lead without anything else needed.



Tone City Pedals are the creation of J.Wong designer,technician,creator of many pedals in China we will not mention here, many of them you probably own or heard of, mostly everyone has enjoyed his musical creations.

He is now on his own and these are his NEW creations fully hand made and with no restrictions to his genius.

Limited time special prices as introductory to Tone City Effects.MEC is the Canadian distributor of Tone City.