You will receive one Calamondin in 1/2 Gal pot


A Calamondin is a hybrid fruit - think half mandarin orange and half kumquat. They are edible with a sweet peel and a sour bite. They are especially great for baked goods, jams, and cocktails. Most notably, the calamondin’s year round blooming cycle offers a stunning transformation of dark green leaves, white flower petals, and bright orange fruit. Calamondins are also known for the fresh citrus aroma they give off when in bloom.

Depending on season, plants range from 18-22 inches tall and 6-8 inches wide. Plants are shipped in standard black one gallon growing pots, not in the white pot you see in the picture. Before we ship out we source the best product on the farm. Even though we can not guarantee blooms and/or fruit, we get first choice on the best for you.