Sagina subulata, commonly known as Irish Moss, into your garden, a versatile ground cover that forms a dense, lush carpet of vibrant green. Imagine stepping into a garden where the ground beneath your feet is soft and verdant, creating a seamless green tapestry that enhances the beauty of your outdoor space. Sagina subulata is celebrated for its fine-textured foliage and its ability to thrive in a variety of settings, from rock gardens to between stepping stones, offering a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution for covering bare patches of soil.

Our Sagina subulata starter plant plug is carefully nurtured to ensure it gets off to a strong start in your garden. Ideal for creating a natural, moss-like appearance without the need for a mossy environment, Irish Moss is surprisingly easy to care for, requiring only minimal maintenance once established. Whether used as a lawn alternative, in fairy gardens, or as a delicate filler between pavers, Sagina subulata brings an element of magic and tranquility to your garden design.

** Planting Instructions Included

Hardiness Zones: 4-8

Sunlight: Full Sun to Partial Shade

Season of Interest: Spring to Fall

Bloom Time: Spring to Early Summer

Bloom Color: Tiny, star-shaped white flowers

Height: 1"-2"

Spread: 6"-12"

Water Needs: Moderate

Maintenance: Very Low

Soil Type: Well-drained

Soil pH: Neutral to Slightly Alkaline

Soil Drainage: Well Drained