Flukers Buffet Blend: Premium Nutrition for Aquatic Turtles

Discover the ultimate in aquatic turtle nutrition with Flukers Buffet Blend. Specially crafted to meet the dietary needs of both juvenile and adult aquatic turtles, this premium blend offers a perfect combination of freeze-dried river shrimp, mealworms, and vitamin-enriched pellets. Formulated in the USA, Flukers Buffet Blend ensures your aquatic turtles receive the essential balance of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals they require for optimal health and vitality. Feeding your beloved turtles has never been easier with Buffet Blend. Simply scatter the blend on the water's surface, where it will float, enticing your turtles to enjoy their nutritious meal for 15 to 20 minutes before basking in the sun. Any uneaten food will gradually sink to the bottom, allowing your turtles to return later for a second round of feeding. **Key Features:** - Complete balanced nutrition for aquatic turtles - Ideal for both juvenile and adult turtles - A delightful blend of freeze-dried river shrimp, mealworms, and pellets - Vitamin-enriched formula to support overall health - Made in the USA to ensure quality and safety Ensure your aquatic turtles thrive with Flukers Buffet Blend, the premium choice for providing your aquatic pets with the nutrition they need to flourish and live a long, happy life.
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