Premium Flukers Adult Bearded Dragon Diet: Expertly Balanced Nutrition for Healthy, Vibrant Dragons

Introducing the Premium Flukers Adult Bearded Dragon Diet, the pinnacle of nutrition for your beloved reptile companion. Expertly formulated to provide a balanced diet full of essential nutrients, this diet is designed to keep your bearded dragon healthy and vibrant. Crafted from a rich combination of highly digestible animal and plant sources, these unique textured pellets are irresistibly tasty for bearded dragons, ensuring they receive the protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals they need for optimal health and vitality. Feeding your adult bearded dragon has never been easier with Flukers Adult Bearded Dragon Diet. Simply offer 8-12 pellets a day for small adults, and up to 22 pellets a day for large adults, alongside fresh water and occasional live foods like crickets, mealworms, and fresh greens for dietary diversity. With a guaranteed analysis boasting a minimum of 24.0% crude protein and 8.0% crude fat/oil, you can trust that your bearded dragon is receiving the essential nutrients they require. Additionally, the presence of key vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin E demonstrates the commitment to providing a wholesome diet for your pet. Enhance your bearded dragon's wellbeing with the Premium Flukers Adult Bearded Dragon Diet - the perfect choice for ensuring your scaly friend remains healthy, happy, and thriving.
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