Zoo Med Gourmet Bearded Dragon Food: All-Natural, Protein-Rich Diet with Dried Mealworms, Blueberries, and Rose Petals for Optimal Health and Growth

Elevate your bearded dragon's dining experience with Zoo Med Gourmet Bearded Dragon Food. Crafted to mimic their natural diet, this all-natural blend features a delightful medley of dried mealworms, juicy blueberries, and fragrant rose flower petals. Your pet will indulge in a protein-rich feast that not only tastes delicious but also promotes optimal health and growth. Formulated with added vitamins and minerals, this specialty food medley is designed to support healthy activity levels and development. Zoo Med Gourmet Bearded Dragon Food stands out for its high protein content, providing a treat that mirrors what these reptiles would consume in the wild. Say goodbye to artificial colors, flavor s, and preservatives – this diet prides itself on being all-natural. Backed by over 30 years of reptile nutritional research, Zoo Med delivers a premium product that meets the specific needs of bearded dragons. Made in the USA, you can trust in the quality and care that goes into every batch of this gourmet food. The guaranteed analysis reveals impressive figures, including a minimum of 16.0% crude protein and 0.8% calcium, ensuring your pet receives a balanced and nourishing diet. Treat your bearded dragon to a meal fit for royalty with Zoo Med Gourmet Bearded Dragon Food.
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