If this crystal calls you...............

Stunning extra-large cabinet sized plate with white radiating quartz  with white stilbite and appophyllite
size- 17.0 cms x 7.5 cms x 5.0 cms 
weight -3800 cts.=760 gms

Location: jalgao Maharashtra, India

ABOUT ZEOLITES AND ASSOCIATED MINERALS: Zeolites are crystalline solids structures made of silicon, aluminum and oxygen that form a framework with cavities and channels inside where cations, water and/or small molecules may reside. They are often also referred to as molecular sieves and are used as commercial adsorbents and catalysts. There are about 40 naturally occurring zeolites, forming in both volcanic and sedimentary rocks typically at low temperatures. The most common and sought-after specimen zeolite minerals are analcime, barrerite, chabazite, heulandite, mesolite, mordenite, natrolite, scolecite, stilbite, and thomsonite. Minerals of the ?zeolite group? can be difficult to identify with certainty purely by visual inspection and there is often a confusing nomenclature with several sub-groups.

Specimen quality zeolites typically form in open vughs or pockets in basalt lava flows. The most prolific source of material are from the late Cretaceous Deccan Trap lava flows ? one of the largest volcanic eruptions in earth history. As the lava cooled, bubble-like fluid and gas vesicles form and merge to become trapped under the rapidly cooling surface of the flow. As the lava cooled further and becomes solid basalt, fluids migrate and crystallize in these voids, forming the wealth of zeolite mineral specimens for which India is justifiably famous. Numerous specimen quarries mainly in the state of Maharashtra exploit these mineral-lined vughs with the strong supply and intense competition keeping prices relatively low.


Bottom line is that zeolites and associated minerals can be spectacular specimens with abundant material to suite all tastes and pockets. Most are not strongly colored, but they do generate amazing sculptural crystal forms which present really well. They deserve a place in any collection and I for one am addicted to them!

Apophyllite is regarded as one of the best stones for Reiki healing. It facilitates taking the client into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness and at the same time removes the healer from the situation so that the movement of healing energy is more pure. Apophyllite works on the respiratory system and when held to the chest can stop asthma attacks. It neutralises allergies and promotes regeneration of the mucus membranes and the skin. Apophyllite is useful in healing matters of the spirit and in helping the spirit come to terms with being in a physical body.
Apophyllite is a regulator crystal, helping the heart to beat strongly and regularly and encouraging the body to function like a well-tuned engine. It brings mental clarity, improved memory and concentration and increased optimism. Apophyllite heals emotional and physical burnout and disappointment. Apophyllite supports those with low energy such as chronic fatigue syndrome and leukaemia.
Apophyllite can assist you in self-healing from degenerative disease or diseases of the tissues. It can help in detoxification of the body, especially from chemical pollution. It helps the body move into resonance with the electromagnetic field of the Earth

Stilbite is a powerful mineral which is a member of the zeolite family. It helps with psychic knowing and intuition. It is also used for psychic direction and guidance from guides, guardian angels, and totem animals. Stilbite is also a powerful stone of creativity that enhances creative energy. It heightens many physical senses, particularly taste  Stilbite can also help with acceptance and letting go. It is also used for manifestation. Physically, stilbite is used in crystal healing for removing toxins, and for laryngitis.  Stilbite is associated with the heart, crown, and throat chakras.