Our physical DNA, which contains our genetic information, also has spiritual and metaphysical dimensions. Most humans only utilize a small percentage of their DNA, often referred to as the "active" or "used" part of the DNA. The rest of the DNA is considered "junk" or dormant. The dna activations aim to awaken latent or dormant abilities or characteristics within an individual through an interaction with their DNA. More specifically, DNA activations, stimulate these inactive parts of the DNA, leading to a variety of potential enhancements or awakenings, often spiritual or metaphysical in nature.

The Divine Masculine is a universal principle that harmoniously coexists with the Divine Feminine. Both these energies reside within every individual, irrespective of their biological or identified gender. The Divine Masculine Essence DNA Activation focuses on awakening and amplifying the assertive, protective, and logical energies of the masculine principle. Through this activation, specific DNA strands responsible for these energies are revitalized, enabling individuals to harness the robust power and clarity of the Divine Masculine.

In today's world, there is a critical need to redefine and understand the true essence of the masculine energy—one that is not rooted in dominance or aggression but in strength, wisdom, and leadership. This activation seeks to provide that clarity, helping individuals resonate with the authentic and unadulterated energy of the Divine Masculine. It's a process of refining one's energies, harmonizing them with the Divine Feminine, and fostering a sense of unity and balance within.

The journey of embracing the Divine Masculine is one of self-awareness, leadership, and empowerment. By undergoing this activation, individuals connect with age-old wisdom, guiding them towards realizing their potential, taking decisive actions, and standing firmly in their authentic self, all while being in alignment with the cosmic dance of duality.

Benefits of this activation:

• Assertive Communication: Enhanced ability to express oneself confidently and clearly.

• Decisive Action: A heightened ability to make decisions and act upon them with conviction.

• Strengthened Leadership: Natural alignment with leadership qualities and the ability to guide others.

• Protection and Guardianship: Enhanced ability to protect and shield loved ones and principles.

• Logical Thinking: A boost in rational, clear, and systematic thought processes.

• Inner Strength: An increase in resilience and the capacity to face challenges head-on.

• Guided Purpose: A clearer understanding of one’s life mission and the drive to achieve it.

• Empowerment: A profound sense of self-worth and capability.

• Balanced Ego: Ability to stand firm without resorting to arrogance.

• Strategic Planning: Enhanced foresight and ability to plan effectively for the future.

• Focused Intent: Amplified ability to concentrate on tasks and intentions.

• Courage and Bravery: The innate strength to face fears and overcome obstacles.

• Physical Vitality: A boost in energy levels and physical strength.

• Responsible Actions: Understanding the importance of responsibility and taking actions accordingly.

• Boundary Setting: The ability to set and maintain healthy boundaries.

• Clear Vision: Enhanced clarity in seeing the bigger picture in situations.

• Collaboration and Teamwork: Ability to work efficiently in teams, valuing each member's contribution.

• Commitment and Loyalty: A strengthened sense of dedication to causes and relationships.


- This session is carried out remotely.

- Your session will be completed within 3 business days from the day of your purchase.

- As soon as I begin the session, I will notify you via Bonanza messages.

- You won't receive any physical items in your mail.

* In accordance with legal obligations, please note that this session is provided strictly for entertainment purposes.

* Also, per Bonanza's policies, it's important to clarify that this session does not guarantee any physical results or outcomes.