Thyme Seeds
Species- German Winter

Germination Rate: 84%

Life Cycle -- Perennial
Plant Harvest -- 70 days 
Hardiness Zone -- 3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Soil -- Well Drained , pH 6.5 to 7.5 Sensitive to low pH  (pH for indoor growing)
Sun Light Requirement -- Full Sun 
Direct Sowing --  9" apart

Thyme is a very versatile herb indeed. With over fifty varieties recognized as being useful for culinary or ornamental gardens, it is easy to see why thyme is one of the most popular herbs. Its flavor is also extremely versatile and can heighten the flavor of almost any food. This makes thyme an incredibly attractive choice for gardeners and chefs alike. Whether you are looking to add a little extra flavor to your cooking or just looking to enhance the look of your garden, thyme has something to offer everyone. With its versatile flavor and unique beauty, it is no wonder that thyme is so highly regarded in both culinary and ornamental gardens.

Open Pollinated 
USA Grown