Unleash your creativity and create a stunning wall display with our Premium Quality Stretched Canvas! Perfect for both personal and business use, this versatile canvas offers endless possibilities. Crafted from 100% premium polyester, our canvas boasts vibrant colors and crisp details that will bring your designs to life. Stretched over a sturdy 0.75" pinewood frame, it provides a durable base for your artwork. Choose from 20 sizes and three orientations (horizontal, vertical, and square) to find the perfect fit for your space. Whether you're creating personalized wall art for your home or selling unique prints online, this canvas is the perfect choice. - Material: 100% polyester (canvas), 100% pinewood (frame) - Available in 20 sizes - Horizontal, vertical, and square options available - Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts - Discreet QR code on the back - Mounting hardware not included Please note that due to the nature of canvas production, the design placement may shift slightly and may extend over the canvas edges.