
  1. Promo Bia by E.Q.O. from Aruba
  2. Come Again by Osha from Anguilla/St. Thomas
  3. Movin' to the Top by Don Carlos & Gold from Jamaica
  4. La Biguine des Enfants du Bon Dieu by Kali from Martinique
  5. Nabi by ANdy Palacio from Belize
  6. Lina by Beethova Obas from Haiti
  7. Bai Drecha Bo Bin by La Perfecta from Curacao
  8. La Nati by Christ Combette from French Guyana/Martinique
  9. Tre D'Ynion by Claude Vamur from Martinique
  10. In Mi System by Krosfyah from Barbados