Twain Mark. A collection of works in 12 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Tven Mark. Sobranie sochineniy v 12-ti tomakh. Translation from English. M. Artistic Literature. 1959-61. 639 and 502 and 583 and 680 and 670 and 654 and 510 and 487 et seq. Contents: Volume 1. Plain people abroad. Volume 2. Appendices. Volume 3. The Gilded Age. Volume 4. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Life on the Mississippi. Volume 5. Walking in Europe. Prince and the Beggar. Appendices (About the terrible difficulties of the German language. German newspapers, etc.). Volume 6. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Yankee at King Arthur's Court. Volume 7. An American Pretender. Tom Sawyer Abroad. Prostophil Wilson. Volume 8. Personal Memories of Joan d'Ark. Volume 9. SKUalbe05fa151b31aa587.