Step into a world of contemporary elegance with our Mid-Century Brass Sputnik Chandelier. Fashioned with a starburst design, this pendant fixture holds three lamp shades, directing light downwards for focused illumination.



- Condition: Brand new, in untouched condition and original packaging.

- Light Color: Clear

- Power: Corded

- Color: Brown

- Dimensions:

 - Width: 34 inches

 - Height: 15 inches

 - Depth: 34 inches

- Material: Brass and Metal

- Brand: Unbranded

- Type: Chandelier

- Sensor: Light

- Cord: Black

- Style: Contemporary

- Rooms: Ideal for Bar, Bedroom, Dining Room, Office, Kitchen, Living Room, and Study.

- Finish: Polished


Key Highlights:

- Features 3 lamp shades with downward-mounted bulbs for direct light. (Bulbs ranging 8W-15W recommended; not included)

- Each fixture is meticulously handcrafted, ensuring every piece is a work of art.

- Made using premium brass and metal. Inherent minor variations in finish add to the product's unique character.


Variants Available:

- Raw Brass with Black Shade

- Raw Brass with White Shades

- Antique Brass with White Shades

- Each variant is adorned with a brass ball on each arm, adding an extra touch of sophistication. 


Dive into a blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern aesthetics with this exquisite chandelier.