Zoo Med Natural Forest Tortoise Food is a blend of essential long-stem fiber, delicious yucca and dandelion greens, specially designed to replicate the wild diet. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, its a tasty, nutritious food for a wide variety of forest tortoise species.Excellent source of essential long-stem fiberWith yucca, dandelion greens and added vitamins and mineralsNo artificial preservatives, colors or flavorsDoes not cause pyramiding! Perfect for all forest tortoise species, including: Red-foot, Yellow-foot, Elongated, Hingeback, Burmese Brown Tortoises, and Asian and American Box Turtles.Made in the USA.Guaranteed Analysis:Crude Protein (min) - 13.0%Crude Fat (min) - 2.0%Crude Fiber (max) - 23.0%Moisture (max) - 13.0%Ash (max) - 10.0%Calcium (min) - 0.9%; (max) - 1.3%Sodium (max) - 0.3%