29 DVD Set BYU TV Discussion on the Scriptures

Missing Disc 8 from the New Testament Set.

Most of these discs have moderate to heavy scratches. SOLD AS-IS.

Discussion on the Scriptures: The Book of Mormon
A series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the Book of Mormon.
Discussions on the Scriptures: The Book of Mormon is a series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the Book of Mormon. This collection of DVDs contains all seventy 30-minute programs originally broadcast on BYUtv.

1 - The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon
2 - Testimony of the Three Witnesses and General Church History
3 - Structure of the Book of Mormon
4 - The Divine Purpose of the Book of Mormon - Part 1
5 - The Divine Purpose of the Book of Mormon - Part 2
6 - 1 Nephi 1-2
7 - 1 Nephi 3-7
8 - 1 Nephi 8-10
9 - 1 Nephi 11-12

10 - 1 Nephi 13-15
11 - 1 Nephi 16-18
12 - 1 Nephi 19-22
13 - 2 Nephi 1; 3
14 - 2 Nephi 2
15 - 2 Nephi 4-5
16 - 2 Nephi 6-8;10
17 - 2 Nephi 9
18 - 2 Nephi 11-16

19 - 2 Nephi 17-24
20 - 2 Nephi 25-27
21 - 2 Nephi 28-30
22 - 2 Nephi 31-33
23 - Jacob 1-3; 7
24 - Jacob 4-6
25 - Enos, Jarom, and Omni
26 - Words of Mormon; Mosiah 1-2
27 - Mosiah 3-6

28 - Mosiah 7-13
29 - Mosiah 18-24
30 - Mosiah 14-17
31 - Mosiah 25-28
32 - Mosiah 29
33 - Alma 1-4
34 - Alma 5-7
35 - Alma 8-12
36 - Alma 13-16

37 - Alma 17-21
38 - Alma 22-24
39 - Alma 25-29
40 - Alma 30
41 - Alma 31-32
42 - Alma 33-35
43 - Alma 36-37
44 - Alma 38-39
45 - Alma 40-41

46 - Alma 42
47 - Alma 43-50
48 - Alma 51-63
49 - Helaman 1-6
50 - Helaman 7-12
51 - Helaman 13-16
52 - 3 Nephi 1-4
53 - 3 Nephi 5-9
54 - 3 Nephi 10-11

55 - 3 Nephi 12
56 - 3 Nephi 13-14
57 - 3 Nephi 15;17
58 - 3 Nephi 18-19
59 - 3 Nephi 16; 20-22
60 - 3 Nephi 23-26
61 - 3 Nephi 27-30
62 - 4 Nephi
63 - Mormon 1-6

64 - Mormon 7-9
65 - Ether 1-6
66 - Ether 7-11
67 - Ether 12-15
68 - Moroni 1-6
69 - Moroni 7
70 - Moroni 8-10

Discussion on the Scriptures: The Doctrine and Covenants
A series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the Doctrine & Covenants.
Discussions on the Scriptures: Doctrine & Covenants is a series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the Doctrine & Covenants. This collection of DVDs contains all fifty-two 30-minute programs originally broadcast on BYUtv.

DISC 1 (A DUPLICATE Disc 1 DVD is also included, scratched heavy, maybe the replaced one.)
1 - Introduction and Historic Overview
2 - A Voice of Warning
3 - Promises Made to the Fathers
4 - The Lost Manuscript
5 - Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
6 - The Spirit of Revelation
7 - John the Revelator & John the Baptist
8 - Quali cations for Service
9 - The Worth of Souls

10 - The Organization of the Church
11 - The Cause of Zion
12 - An Elect Lady
13 - Take upon You My Whole Armor
14 - Prepare for the Days to Come
15 - Calls to Preach the Gospel
16 - Heeding the Lord's Call
17 - The Law of the Church
18 - The Great Day of the Lord

19 - To Every Man is Given a Gift
20 - Called to Forsake the World
21 - Laying the Foundation of Zion
22 - A Commission to Testify
23 - The Lord Requireth the Heart
24 - The Everlasting Covenant
25 - An Account of Their Stewardship
26 - The Vision - Part 1
27 - The Vision - Part 2

28 - A Covenant that Cannot be Broken
29 - Keys of the Kingdom
30 - Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
31 - Prepare and Sanctify Yourselves
32 - Light and Truth
33 - A House of God
34 - I Will Prove You in All Things
35 - Chastened and Tried
36 - Inasmuch as They are Faithful

37 - Quorums and the Priesthood
38 - Let Every Man Learn His Duty
39 - A Place of Holiness
40 - More Treasures Than One
41 - The Stakes of Zion
42 - I Will Provide
43 - Peace be unto Thy Soul
44 - Art Thou Greater than He?
45 - The City of Nauvoo

46 - Baptisms for the Dead
47 - The Order of Heaven
48 - A New and Everlasting Covenant
49 - Governments Were Instituted of God
50 - The Martyrdom
51 - Heirs of the Kingdom
52 - Continuing Revelation

Discussion on the Scriptures: The New Testament
A series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the New Testament.
Discussions on the Scriptures: New Testament is a series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the New Testament. This collection of DVDs contains all sixty-eight 30-minute programs originally broadcast on BYUtv.

Our Savior in the Gospels

1 - The Gospels and Their Significance
2 - The Foreordained Redeemer
3 - The Jewish Messianic Expectation
4 - The Birth of Jesus
5 - The Childhood of Jesus
6 - The Baptism of Jesus
7 - Christ's Early Ministry
8 - Woman at the Well
9 - Rejection at Nazareth

10 - The Calling of the Twelve
11 - The Beatitudes
12 - Sermon on the Mount
13 - Why Parables?
14 - Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole
15 - Feeding the Multitude
16 - The Bread of Life
17 - The Rock of Our Salvation
18 - The Mount of Transfiguration

19 - The Feast of the Tabernacles
20 - Light of the World
21 - The Good Shepherd
22 - The Cost of Discipleship
23 - Lazarus, Come Forth
24 - The Triumphal Entry
25 - The Long Day of Debate
26 - The Olivet Discourse
27 - Preparations for the Last Supper

28 - The Last Supper
29 - That They All May Be One
30 - Gethsemane
31 - The Arrest and Trial
32 - The Crucifixion
33 - The Resurrection
34 - What Think Ye of Christ?

The Acts To Revelation

1 - Behold My Hands and My Feet
2 - Ordained to Be a Witness
3 - There Is None Other Name
4 - I See the Heavens Opened
5 - Why Persecutest Thou Me?
6 - God Is No Respecter of Persons
7 - Continue in the Faith
8 - Him Declare I unto You
9 - In the Power of God

10 - O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
11 - But by the Revelation of Jesus Christ
12 - Ye Are All One in Christ Jesus
13 - Only by His Grace
14 - Justified of Faith and Works
15 - Joint-Heirs with Christ
16 - A Minister and a Witness
17 - Ye Are Risen with Him
18 - The Whole Armor of God

19 - An Example of the Believers
20 - Render Due Benevolence
21 - Crowned with Glory and Honor
22 - The Order of Melchizedek
23 - A More Excellent Ministry
24 - Be Ye Doers of the Word
25 - Faith without Works
26 - The Trial of Your Faith
27 - Partakers of the Divine Nature

MISSING DISC 8 , this content not included.
28 - What Manner of Love
29 - Remember Ye the Words
30 - The Words of This Prophecy
31 - Alpha and Omega
32 - A Sea of Glass
33 - Before the Throne of God
34 - King of Kings, and Lord of Lords

Discussion on the Scriptures: The Old Testament
A series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the Old Testament.
Discussions on the Scriptures: Old Testament is a series of discussions featuring faculty from Brigham Young University's Department of Ancient Scripture sharing their insights into the Old Testament. This collection of DVDs contains all sixty-seven 30-minute programs originally broadcast on BYUtv.

1 - An Introduction and Overview
2 - The Creation
3 - Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
4 - The Fall, the Patriarchs
5 - Noah, Abraham, and the Covenant
6 - Abraham - a Man of Faith and Righteousness
7 - The Birthright
8 - Jacob and His Family
9 - Joseph

10 - The Death of Jacob; Moses
11 - The Passover and the Exodus
12 - The Ten Commandments
13 - The Law of Moses
14 - The House of the Lord in the Wilderness
15 - The Book of Leviticus
16 - Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 1
17 - Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 2
18 - Lessons in the Wilderness - Part 3

19 - Final Sermons of Moses - Part 1
20 - Final Sermons of Moses - Part 2
21 - Entry into the Promised Land
22 - Judges - Part 1
23 - Judges - Part 2
24 - Samuel and Saul
25 - Saul and David
26 - The Fall of King David
27 - David?s Kingship and Decline

28 - The Price of Sin - Tragedy in the House of David
29 - Solomon
30 - The Psalms - Part 1
31 - The Psalms - Part 2: Messianic Psalms
32 - Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
33 - The Book of Job
34 - A Kingdom Divided against Itself
35 - The Ministry of Elijah
36 - The Ministry of Elisha - Part 1

37 - The Ministry of Elisha - Part 2
38 - The Book of Amos
39 - The Book of Jonah
40 - The Book of Hosea
41 - The Books of Micah and Joel
42 - The Fall of the Northern Kingdom and Preservation of the Southern Kingdom
43 - Great Are the Words of Isaiah - Part 1
44 - Great Are the Words of Isaiah - Part 2
45 - Great Are the Words of Isaiah - Part 3

46 - Great Are the Words of Isaiah - Part 4
47 - Great Are the Words of Isaiah - Part 5
48 - Great Are the Words of Isaiah - Part 6
49 - Great Are the Words of Isaiah - Part 7
50 - Judah?s Return to Wickedness
51 - The Books of Nahum, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk
52 - The Prophet Jeremiah - Part 1
53 - The Prophet Jeremiah - Part 2
54 - The Prophet Jeremiah - Part 3

55 - The Prophet Ezekiel - Part 1
56 - The Prophet Ezekiel - Part 2
57 - The Prophet Ezekiel - Part 3
58 - The Book of Daniel
59 - The Return of Exiles
60 - The Book of Haggai
61 - The Visions of Zechariah
62 - The Prophet Zechariah
63 - The Book of Esther

64 - The Book of Malachi
65 - Renewing the Covenant
66 - The Book of Nehemiah
67 - Between the Testaments