Feel the power of Venus fire embedded in your unique piece of jewelry.

It will also be charged for you personally with energy directly from the original source.

This means you can enjoy a permanent increase in your vibration and frequency by wearing your special jewelry.

PROTECTION: Shielding, defense against external energies, security

EARTH: Grounding, safety, stability

FIRE: vitality, drive, energy booster

WATER: Emotional connection, heart healing, coming into feeling

AIR: Creative impulses, aligned thoughts, clarity

MULADHARA (ROOT CHAKRA): Vitality, life force, survival, security, physicality, standing in life and grounding

SVADHISTHANA (SACRAL CHAKRA): Flow of life energy, being a channel for the creative energy of life, experiencing the world, liveliness, desire/desire, joy of life, emotions, desire, sexuality, creativity and creative power

MANIPURA (SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA): Mental, thoughts, beliefs, personality, self-assurance, will, power, action, control, inner identities, lower mind and intellect, subconscious

ANAHATA (HEART CHAKRA): Love, trust, devotion, pain, grief, forgiveness and karma

VISSUDHA (THROAT CHAKRA): Self-expression, truth, higher self, communication, integrity, authenticity, interdimensionality

AJNA (BROAD CHAKRA): Soul, spirit, intuition, inner guidance, divine inspiration, presence, clarity, clairvoyance, visualization, telepathy

SAHASRARA (CROWN CHAKRA): Unity Consciousness, Divine Guidance

STARSEED: Cosmic connection, connection to the starseeds, cosmic vibration


-Ostara: Blossoming creativity, awakening, developing ideas

-Kali: Courage, strength, overcoming fears

-Hekate: decisiveness, stability in the cycle of life, lunar energy

-Aphrodite: Loveliness, self-love, aesthetics, being able to enjoy the sweetness of life

-Athena: clarity of mind, wisdom, mental strength

-Gaia: grounding, closeness to nature, pure creative power

-Isis: Rebirth and Magic

-Maat: Truth and Justice

-Urd: Coming to terms with the past

-Verdandi: Conscious action in the here and now

-Skuld: promise of the future

-Epona: Determination, confidently finding the right path, protection on all paths

-Artemis: authenticity, connection to the flora and animals of the forest

-Demeter: fertility, harvest, mother's heart

-Sunnah: radiance, happiness, solar energy, creation

-Selene: Emotional Awareness, Lunar Energy, Receiving

-Fortuna: luck, success, manifestation

Your piece of jewelry will be charged and sealed for you personally in a light ceremony with the vibration you have chosen in light language.

You will receive a short video with the light language sequence. You can also use this to give your piece of jewelry an energy boost from time to time. However, it will never be completely discharged!

Your personal piece of jewelry does not come with a promise of healing. For my serious work with personality coaching, soul journeys, energy reading and frequency increasing, I am obliged to point out that I naturally cannot guarantee success, i.e. I accept no liability if the desired effect does not occur.

The use of Venus Fire jewelry does not replace medical and/or therapeutic diagnosis and/or therapy by a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Pink Glitter Agate Silver Pendant

Dimensions: Pendant - 36x19 mm

Number of Gemstones: 1

Carat Weight Total: 3.879 ct

Alloy: 925 Sterling Silver

Metal Weight: 3.78 g

Design: Solitaire

First Gemstone: Gemstone: Agate

Variety : Pink glitter agate

Cut: Faceted

Detailed cut: Fancy cut

Carat weight: 3.879 ct

Size: 18x14 mm