A Reliable Source and a Caring Organization

A small company called NutriBiotic is situated in California. We treat our customers like family because we are like family. We've dedicated ourselves for more than 40 years to assisting our customers in leading healthier, happier lives by offering cutting-edge, premium nutritional supplements and personal care items. We were founded on the idea that everyone has a right to excellent health.

Our products can be found in a variety of natural food stores, vitamin stores, and medical offices all around the world. To best support your health, we are always developing innovative, high-quality, and cruelty-free products using premium ingredients.

A Trusted Source & A Company That Cares

NutriBiotic is a small, California based business. We are like family, and we treat our customers like family. For over 40 years, we’ve been committed to helping our customers achieve healthier, happier lives by providing innovative, high quality nutritional supplements and personal care products. Our founding principle is that everyone deserves good health.

You will find our products in many natural food stores, vitamin shops, and offices of health practitioners worldwide. We are always innovating and developing effective, quality, cruelty-free formulas with top-of-the-line ingredients to best support your health.

Important information

Safety Information

Don't ever spray your eyes. If irritation persists, consult a doctor and cease using the product.


: Menthol, Aloe Vera Gel, Glycerin, Zinc Gluconate, Citricidal Brand Grapefruit Seed Extract, Peg-40 Castor Oil, Stevia Extract, Slippery Elm Extract, and Peppermint Oil. Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Extract (Dgl) is also included.


Spray into the back of your throat one to several times each day, as necessary, 2-3 times.

a Disclaimer of Law

These claims have not been examined by the Food and Drug Administration. The diagnosis, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of any disease is not intended for use with this product.

  •  Healthy throat and mouth conditions are aided, supported, and promoted by grapefruit seed extract, zinc, menthol, and slippery elm bark.
  •  AID, SUPPORT & PROMOTE: healthy throat & mouth conditions with grapefruit seed extract, zinc, menthol & slippery elm bark
  •  MORE THAN 40 YEARS AS A REPUTABLE SOURCE: By providing cutting-edge, high-end dietary supplements and personal care products, NutriBiotic has assisted customers in living healthier, happier lives on the principle that everyone deserves good health.
  •  A REPUTABLE SOURCE FOR MORE THAN 40 YEARS: With the belief that everyone deserves good health as its foundation, NutriBiotic has helped customers live better, happier lives by offering cutting-edge, premium dietary supplements and personal care items.
  •  Product sprayer packaging may differ.