Six novels in four books, tight, clean, flat. Twofers are newer. One of each style has a creased spine. Light edge wear to all. Older books have darker pages. 

Originally published in the Dec. 1933 issue of
 The Spider

The Wings of the Black Death hovered over plague-stricken New York-and Richard Wentworth gambled life itself to save the city which cursed his name-fighting a desperate struggle against the vicious, twin attacks of the law and the underworld!


Mysterious death, suicide, and madness took uncanny toll of New York's most prominent citizens. Only the Spider sensed the presence of the criminal genius whose tentacles were strangling the city—and the Spider was next on the crime monster's death list! 


The Bat-Man terrorizes the country with hordes of poisoned bats.


An unseen weapon that drives men mad . . . A green gas which turns smiling faces into leering skulls . . . A master criminal who can assume at will any known identity . . . Add to these separate menaces three big-game hunters sworn to destroy the Spider -- and you have a situation in which the brilliance and courage of Dick Wentworth will thrill you as never before At the merest whim of Crime's new overlord, citizens writhe in baffling, agonizing death Wholesale threatened, officials threw up their hands in failure Could the Spider, himself grievously wounded and trapped, remove the scarlet stigma attached to America's proud symbol of Freedom - The Statue of Liberty?


A supposed crime fighter, The Avenger, is actually behind a plot to poison food and cosmetics (a.k.a. "When Death Went Mad")


The Terror Legions wear steel suits and carry death rays, raiding prisons to gather a criminal mob to loot the Catskills and then march on New York City!