Protein Bean Sprouting Seed Blend - Organic & Non Gmo - Heirloom Seeds - Fresh USA Grown Seeds - Grow Your Own Sprouts Right At Home!

The Fastest Way To Produce Your Own Food At Home Is By Sprouting Seeds! This tasty blend is very nutritious and sprouts fast!

Get your daily dose of protein with our Protein Bean Sprouting Seed Blend.

This non-GMO, heirloom seed blend is grown using sustainable methods to ensure the best quality product.

With a typical sprout time of 2-4 days, you can enjoy a nutritious and delicious addition to your meals in no time.

Eating Fresh Sprouts On A Regular Basis Can Give Your Body Access To High Concentrations Of Essential Nutrients!

Fresh Sprouts Are High In Antioxidants Vitamins A, C, E, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus, & Vitamin K.

This seed blend is a combination of high-protein beans which are known to be an excellent source of plant-based protein.

They can be sprouted and added to salads, sandwiches, soups, or smoothies for a boost of protein and nutrients.

These seeds are easy to sprout and grow, and require minimal maintenance.

Order your Protein Powerhouse Bean Sprouting Seed Blend today and start enjoying the benefits of this nutritious and delicious sprouts in just 2-4 days.