Energybolizer Advanced Formula Super Plus Dietary Supplement 40 Caps

Lose Weight, Enhance Your Metabolism, Transform Your Health and Body... Naturally! 
Energybolizer is the Key to Lasting Health and Weight Loss.

How Energybolizer Works With Your Body
Insulin builds body muscle by stimulating amino acid uptake, while decreasing protein breakdown. This improves your metabolism so that your body relies more on using stored fat and less on using stored proteins, resulting in more muscle and less fat.

Here’s Proof
Several double blind crossover studies, conducted along with clinical and laboratory tests at a leading university and hospital, have proven that this product is effective. Over a six-week period, without significantly changing dietary or exercise habits, subjects in separate studies lost an average of 23% body fat or approximately 4.4 lbs., and increased lean body mass by 1.5 lbs.

Why Diets Don’t Work
Most dieters who achieve significant weight loss, lose far too much (approximately 30%) lean body mass (muscle and organ tissue). This not only diminishes strength and ability, but affects appearance as well. With less muscle, pleasing curves flatten, chests sink, arms and legs look spindly. Making things worse, this lessened lean body mass lowers metabolic rate making it harder to keep the fat off permanently. This is known as the “yo-yo” syndrome. There is now excellent scientific evidence that ENERGYBOLIZER® can accelerate fat loss while helping preserve and increase muscle.

Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate is a bioactive Chromium with clinically proven benefits. It is vital to good health and essential for the efficient functioning of insulin. Poor responsiveness to insulin is common and is linked with increased risk of being overweight, heart disease, elevated blood fat, high blood pressure and diabetes. 90% of American diets provide much less than the minimal amount of Chromium recommended by the National Academy of Science.

Most forms of Chromium are not easily absorbed by the body, but Chromium Picolinate, being bioactive, is. Chromium Picolinate has also been recommended as the chromium supplement of choice in recent books by distinguished physicians.

More Muscle & Less Fat
A placebo-controlled study in weight-training at Louisiana State University measured increases in body measurement (sum of arms, chest and thigh circumference) with or without supplemental Chromium Picolinate. The benefit of Chromium Picolinate was significant and striking. Chromium Picolinate improves metabolism so your body relies more on stored fat, and less on stored protein, as an energy source. The results are: More Muscle and Less Fat.

Don’t Be a Part of the Obesity Epidemic
In America today, 32 million women and 26 million men are obese. That’s 33% of our adult population. Yet just last decade only 25% of us were obese - the same number since 1960. Based on this alarming jump in such a short period of time, one eating-behavior expert believes that if we do not make some changes in our present time, the entire U.S. population will be obese by the year 2230 - maybe even earlier.

Energybolizer Advanced Formula Ingredients

Suggested Us
As a dietary supplement , take one capsule a day with food at 11:30 AM for optimum performance.  Do not exceed recommended dosage.

Not recommended for under 18 years old individuals. Always consult a physician before modifying your diet, using any new product, supplement or doing new exercises. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement.  Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children.  Store at room temperature.  Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. Individual results may vary and results are not guaranteed.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.