The Pink Pocillopora is a fast-growing branching SPS that is great for those just getting into SPS reefs. Frag up to 1.5". Pocillopora despite being one of the less popular stony corals in the reef aquarium hobby are second only to Acropora in reef building productivity in the wild. Their skeletons make up a huge portion of the reefs structure in the ocean. Pocillopora are one of the most adaptable SPS corals in that they tolerate a wide range of both light and flow. High lighting tends to bring out the best coloration in Pocillopora. We have kept them under lower light conditions and they do quite well in terms of growth and polyp extension, but under brighter lighting this coral develops brighter coloration. Pocillopora may require a longer acclimation period to intense lighting such as metal halides and LEDs. Strong water movement is recommended. Pocillopora are commonly found in the wild in very strong surge zones. It will also benefit from additional food fed weekly in the form of micro-plankton or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates.

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Bullet point: Disclaimer: Corals on the pictures are not WYSEWYG, photos was made under different lighting (blue or white lights) and in different tank (our show of frag tanks). You will get coral size as described, shape and color could be slightly off due to shipping stress.