Iwan Master Hunter Berkeley Butchers Adventurer * Dungeons and Dragons Roleplay Miniature
This is a 3d Printed resin model

An incredibly skilled hunter, Iwan is the face of House Berkeley—despite the fact that it is actually his father, Wymar, who controls the family politically. It is widely and accurately rumored that Iwan secretly harbors the Beast Blood, an advanced form of lycanthropy that cannot be cured by magic short of a wish spell, making him tough to kill.

Iwan wields asignature hatchet, which he always keepssharp. He also wields a flintlock pistol, which he stole from his noble-born prey after a successful “hunt.”

While he is rarely the smartest or most-educated person in the room, Iwan is cunning, and he appreciates the act of killing as though it were an art form. He will do everything in his power to win a fight—cheat, lie, betray… Iwan also understands that there is strength in numbers. If he can help it, he never starts a fight without his Butchers, House Berkeley’s best hunters.

model will be shipped with supports for extra support and stability
this model was designed by Caleb Makes Minis and we have licensed to sell printed models
you can find more of there work and .stl files at www.patreon.com/calebmakesminis
some models may not be in stock and may need to be printed to order, but we will do our best to get it to you in a timely fashion.