Euphausia superba is a great natural source of Omega 3 oil, the antioxidant astaxanthin, as well as high levels of phospholipids (a fundamental component of human cell membranes). A high-strength formula (500mg) in an easy-to swallow gel capsule form, offering support for the heart, blood pressure, brain, vision and more.

• Brain function (including stable moods)                   • Antioxidant levels 
• Immunity                                                                   • Cell membranes 
• Heart health and blood pressure                              • Circulation 
• Hormonal balance                                                     • Joint health and flexibility
 • Concentration                                                           • Vision 
• Healthy cholesterol levels                                          • Inflammatory conditions 
• Hair, skin, nails                                                           • Weight loss 
• Muscle recovery and growth


Antarctic Krill oil capsules – 500mg:

Krill oil comes from krill – tiny shrimp-like creatures that live in very cold ocean waters.

Krill oil contains two types of omega-3 fatty acid: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart (with a daily intake of 250mg).
DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure (with a daily intake of 3g of EPA and DHA).*
DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels (with a daily intake of 2g of DHA and when taken in combination with EPA).*
DHA contributes to maintenance of normal brain function (with a daily intake of 250mg of DHA).
DHA contributes to maintenance of normal vision (with a daily intake of 250mg of DHA).

*Users should not exceed a supplemental daily intake of 5g of EPA and DHA combined.

Krill oil also contains astaxanthin, as well as phospholipids.

Astaxanthin is a pigment that belongs to a group of chemicals called carotenoids. It occurs naturally in certain algae and causes the pink/red colour of krill.

Phospholipids are a type of large group of organic compounds called “lipids” (naturally-occurring molecules). Phospholipids are a major component of all cell membranes.

Unlike some fish oil capsules, with Antarctic krill oil there is no fishy after-taste!


60 capsules per pot

Per 715mg gelatin capsule:
500mg Krill oil (Superba)

Of which…
Total Phospholipids (of which Phosphatidyl Choline 150mg, of which Choline 25mg) – 200mg
Omega 3 (of which EPA 60mg, DHA 27.5mg) – 110mg
Astaxanthin – 50mcg

Ingredients: Krill Oil (Euphausia Superba) Extract (Crustacean), Capsule Shell (Bovine Gelatin), glycerol, water.

ALLERGY ADVICE: for allergens, see ingredients in bold.

Note: This krill oil is supplied by Aker BioMarine™.


NOT suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Allergy advice:
Not suitable for persons with an allergy to fish or shellfish.


1 – 2 capsules to be taken per day, or as advised by a health practitioner.

People with coagulopathy or taking blood thinning medication should consult their doctor before use.
Not intended for use by pregnant or lactating mothers.