100 Gram Purslanes seeds بذور البقلة بذور البجلة الفرفحينا بقله البقله بقلة


Purslane seeds, also known as Portulaca Oleracea, are small, oval-shaped seeds that are commonly used for planting and growing purslane plants. Purslane is a succulent annual plant that is widely grown for its edible leaves and stems, which have a slightly tangy and refreshing flavor. These seeds are 100% pure and natural, free from any additives, preservatives, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They are carefully selected and packaged to ensure maximum freshness and viability. Purslane seeds are easy to grow and can be sown directly into the soil in the spring or summer, and they typically germinate within 7-10 days. Once established, the plant requires minimal maintenance and is highly resistant to drought, making it an ideal choice for gardeners looking to grow healthy and sustainable produce. With these high-quality purslane seeds, you can enjoy a delicious and nutritious addition to your home garden or farm.


Shipping :
Shipping is by registered mail and takes from 30 to 40 working days
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We dont accept returns
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