This is an 8x12 inch still photograph. It has been lab printed on 100% real Fuji photographic paper with a beautiful glossy finish. The glossy finish is a style reserved for high quality photography and often used by movie studios or photo agencies for their press issues to magazines and newspapers. This unique 8x12 inch real photograph comes from our VIP Images historic archive of movie studio, press agency, newspaper photographer candid photographs. We have been in business for 42 years serving the collector and our images make great gifts or decor for your home. All our products are made in the USA and ship from our California warehouse. We are also one of the very few archives still to print our photographs in a lab on real photographic paper.  Your satisfaction is guaranteed with this piece of historical movie memorabilia art.We have the original 35mm studio film slide in our archive which has been high resolution scanned to get optimum results in clarity and color. The 8x12 inch print size is directly the aspect ratio of the 35mm slide so there is no cropping and you get 100% the full original image.
Your print is beautifully presented in a crystal clear sleeve and shipped flat in our special photo mailers.