New Vitasprint B12 2x30pcs

Energy for body and mind

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that the human body cannot produce itself.

Vitasprint 12 is the only preparation with the combination of vitamin B12 and amino acids Phosphonoserine and glutamine: 3 coordinated active ingredients that are important for nerve, brain and cell metabolism.

They contribute to an improvement in general well-being and ensure power reserves, as well as support for concentration and performance.

Non-specific symptoms such as easy fatigue, exhaustion, lack of drive and lack of concentration are signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency. A supply is particularly important in stressful times and with an unbalanced diet.

Because vitamin B12 is involved in numerous metabolic processes, helps the body to form blood and supports cell division. It is also involved in the formation of nerves and the production of messenger substances.


Press, shake, drink: the application is extremely easy. 1 bottle daily is sufficient.