Amplificador digital Soundigital SD100K EVO XLR 1 Ohms 100.000 Watts Rms de alta tensao


* Pensando na eficiencia de grandes projetos automotivos, a Soundigital lanca a nova linha HV com amplificadores muito mais versateis e de extrema qualidade. Agora com o novo sistema Full HV, todos os amplificadores passam a ser alimentados pelo banco de baterias e nao precisam mais de alimentacao de 12V. Isso garante maior autonomia ao sistema e flexibiliza o custo.


* The great innovation was to create products that work in different impedances and variable powers. In high power amplifiers, the impedance can be adjusted according to the customer's need. To complete the set, medium power amplifiers with an intelligent flexible power system were developed. This allows to unify the two systems with any voltage without interfering with the power supply.


* According to the table below, you can see the power that the amplifier will render, according to the final impedance of the speakers, and the battery it needs!


Example of Impedances / Connections:

* With 04 speakers of 2 ohms in parallel = 0.5 Ohms

* With 08 speakers of 4 ohms in parallel = 0.5 Ohms

* With 08 speakers of 2 ohms in parallel = 0.25 Ohms

* With 12 parallel 4ohm speakers = 0.33 Ohms


Note: Just divide the speaker impedance by the value! That is, 12 speakers 4ohms = 4/12 = 0.33 ohms


Example of Batteries x Power:


* Let's say you use 8 speakers of 4 ohms that in parallel are 0.5 Ohms, in which case you would need at least 60ah per battery.


* If you use 8 speakers of 2 ohms, in parallel would be 0.25 ohms, therefore, the recommended would be to use batteries of at least 100ah.


* Also, according to the table, at 0.25ohms with 100ah per battery of the series, the maximum would be 18 batteries, which would yield up to 104,976w Rms, but of course, you can use 15 batteries of 100ah and generate up to 72,900w RMS, according to the table . Already at 0.5ohms, with 17 60ah batteries you would have up to 46,818W RMS of power.


* O Soundigital Evolution Power 100K EVO II e o novo amplificador HV/High Voltage da empresa, que vem investindo fortemente no segmento Hi-Fi (alta fidelidade) no país, alem da qualidade ja conhecida da linha Evolution, o produto tem aspectos muito interessantes. A potencia de 100 mil RMS chama bastante a atencao, mas sem dúvidas seu design fez total diferenca, a Soundigital deixou a maquina com um visual inedito e totalmente futurista.


Especificacoes tecnicas:

* Marca: Soundigital

* Potencia de saída: 100.000 w

* Tensao Mínima: 70V DC

* Tensao Maxima: 440V DC

* Impedancia mínima: 0,25 ohms

* Canais: 01

* Consumo de música: 308A

* Consumo maximo: 616A

* Fator de amortecimento: 1 ohm @100Hz >30

* Eficiencia: 87%


Conteúdo do pacote:

* 01 Amplificador SD-100K Evolution

* 01 Manual do Produto

* 01 Cabo Link (Caso queira juntar 2 desses amplificadores)

* 01 Adesivo Soundigital

* 01 Chave Allen



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