Never listened to but shelved as part of a collection that was gathered but barely listened to. Clamshell case and tapes are in like new condition.

Title: THE BOOK OF THREE: The Prydain Chronicles Book 1

Author: Lloyd Alexander        Read By: Chris King

Year: 1991

Length: Unabridged

Category: Young Adult Fantasy

Actual Length & Tapes: 5 hrs., 25 min., on 4 tapes

Taran dreams of adventure, but nothing exciting ever happens to an Assistant Pig-Keeper, until his pig runs away. A chase through the woods leads Taran far from home and into great danger, for evil prowls the land of Prydain. With a collection of strange and wonderful friends whom he meets on his journey, Taran finds himself fighting so that good may triumph over evil, and so that his beloved home will not fall to a diabolical fiend.