11x Mini Empty Glass Whisky Bottles
All bottles are in good condition but the labels show some wear and are starting to peel in some places. 
Some bottles have residue left inside of them.
1 x Ballantine's Finest Scotch Whisky 1 2/3 oz, label is damaged.
1 x Black & White Buchanan's Choice Old Scotch Whisky 1 2/3 oz, bottled especially for Air Canada.
2 x Canadian Schenley OFC Whisky 1.6 oz, tax excise says 1964 and 1965 on them.
3 x Wiser's Deluxe Canadian Whisky 1.6 oz, tax excise says 1962 on them.
1 x Seagram's V.O. Canadian Whisky 1.6 oz, tax excise says 1964 on it.
3 x Canadian Club Whisky 1.6 oz, tax excise says 1964 and 1965 on them.