Please read my seller policies before buying.
I have stretched the canvas and cut the wood for the frame, but have not had a chance to finish yet. Should not take me more than a few days to finish when sold. Any questions' please contact me. Please read Important Note. See below why I make my own frames.

This work is signed S. Robat, but I have no information on the artist. In most cases, the signature on oils is either illegible or impossible to attribute accurately to a specific artist without spending a large amount of money having an accredited expert examine , research and authenticate. This would add significantly to the price and I feel this is not necessary unless you feel a work is worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. The vast majority of talented artists do not receive the credit they deserve.... but it does not stop you from enjoying a one of a kind hand made work of art by a talented artist.We leave it to you to spend the money on such research if you so desire.

Unfortunately I received an unexpected, certainly unwanted xmas present in 2019... a stroke! I was lucky, it was caught in time, and I am recovering.... but, told me I had to re evaluate. No one at the sanctuary can take over storing or selling most of my items.... so I will regretfully be having sales and selling off as of 2020. Please make certain to visit our store for excellent bargains while they last. I will continue to sell on Etsy, but will revert back to what I have done for years.... selling gems and jewelry. I love the art, but it is no longer practical for me. Once sold off, it will not be replenished.

WHY I MAKE MY OWN FRAMES: These days there are an amazing number of frames available with perfectly mitered corners, magnificently grained wood and perfectly applied finishes. And, they are so cheap! So, why do I make my own?
Well, when something is too good to be true, it usually is.
I decided to buy a ‘work of art’ in one of these frames and take it apart. Wasn’t hard... practically fell apart. Turns out they are made of foam, with a very thin coat of plastic or resin to give the allusion of expensive wood. Made to last a year or so and then to be thrown out and replaced with new art. No wood in them at all!
My frames are not for everyone. They are made of solid hardwoods and instead of mitre joints that are notorious for being weak ( end cuts do not glue well) I use two hidden pocket screws in each corner. I am proud of the works I make and the works of others that I re frame. I want them to last. I am proud of them, and proud of the fact that the profits go to help animal causes.
My frames are solid wood with a solid hardwood frame inside to give the floating affect. I finish by hand sanding, and then apply multiple coats of wax by hand to finish.
They are expensive to ship , but I absorb that cost. I want your purchase to last and look it's best.

Be sure to visit our store to find hundreds of items not available elsewhere.